The Let’s Work partnership in Tanzania has tackled operational approaches to delivering more, better, and more inclusive jobs in the country. The program’s jobs diagnostic has informed the Systematic Country Diagnostic and Country Partnership Framework for Tanzania, and the country team is using key findings to facilitate broader uptake in lending operations. Let’s Work Tanzania aimed to:
- Strengthen understanding of spatial and sectoral factors that shape job dynamics.
- Design an integrated, multisector action plan to inform the design of future operations.

Key Activities
The Let’s Work Tanzania program comprised of three components:
- Jobs and firm location diagnostics exploring macroeconomic conditions, supply- and demand-side trends, and determinants driving firms’ locations.
- Value chain mapping in horticulture.
- Impact evaluation of a Patient Procurement Platform for the maize value chain.

Program participants identified multiple lessons gleaned over the course of the project. These include the efficacy of connecting analytical work to operational pieces, involving global practices in jobs activity to ensure its transversal nature, and the quality control gained from standardization of analyses and surveys.
The program also contributed with analyses on the tomatoes value chain and maize value chain in Tanzania. These project outputs will potentially inform future operations and lending mechanisms in the country.