covid refugees

#23 How digital solutions can ease the COVID-19 impact on displaced populations

Photo:  Li Wenyong / World Bank   Authors: Jana Kuhnt and Kirsten Schuettler Displaced people face many challenges when integrating into the labor market in their host communities. They are also more likely than the host population to be employed in sectors that are highly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, such as manufacturing, accommodation, and food services. And  …

food seller

#12 Is Self-Employment in Developing Countries a Steppingstone to Better Jobs? New Evidence from Panel Surveys

Photo credit: Scott Wallace / World Bank   Authors: Kevin Donovan, Will Jianyu Lu, and Todd Schoellman Economic development requires the reallocation of workers to more productive occupations, sectors, and regions. As such, evidence on labor market dynamics is critical for understanding whether labor markets are enabling the necessary movements of workers. In our recent…


Phone Surveys Confirm the Widespread Effects of COVID-19 on Jobs in Developing Countries

Photo credit: Victor Idrogo / World Bank   Authors: David Newhouse and Michael Weber The COVID-19 pandemic has wrought havoc on economies and workers worldwide — but the impacts are difficult to quantify, because the pandemic has made traditional face-to-face data collection impossible in most places. The World Bank projects that These projections, however, are…


Blog Series on Jobs Solutions Notes

The Jobs Group has developed a blog series based on the Jobs Solutions Notes. The Solutions Notes synthesize findings from the Jobs Umbrella Multidonor Trust Fund (MDTF)-funded activities and other sources based on research, evaluations, pilots, and operations. Each Note succinctly analyzes efforts and challenges, and provides an evaluation of what has worked, and what does…


The Future of Work in Agri-Food Systems

As countries develop, agriculture’s role as domestic employer declines. But the broader agri-food system also expands, and the scope for agriculture-related job creation shifts beyond the farm. Historically, technological revolutions have shaped, and have been shaped by, these dynamics. Today, a digital revolution is taking hold. In this process of structural transformation, societies evolve from…


#19 In Turkey, One in Four Could Lose Their Jobs Due to COVID-19

Photo: Simone D. McCourtie / World Bank   Authors: Sırma Demir Şeker, Efşan Nas Özen, and Ayşenur Acar Erdoğan COVID-19 has brought existing economic vulnerabilities into view globally. Turkey is no exception as the Turkish labor market already has significant challenges: exchange rate depreciation and inflation, low female labor force participation, high youth unemployment, and…


Working Paper Series: Jobs, Recovery, and Peacebuilding in Urban South Sudan

The Working Paper series is based on a set of studies covering different aspects of jobs in urban South Sudan, including jobs outcomes, macroeconomic environment, market-linked agriculture and surveys insights on business and enterprises. Job Outcomes in the Towns of South Sudan: Jobs, Recovery, and Peacebuilding in Urban South Sudan – Technical Report I The…
