Mozambique was selected by Let’s Work partners as one of seven Pillar 1 country pilots and is the largest program to date. In April 2015, the Government of Mozambique approved the Plano Quinquenal do Governo (PQG 2015-2019), a five-year plan that defines Mozambique’s strategic priorities, including job creation.
With over $4.5 million of grant funding provided by UK DFID (now FCDO), Let’s Work Mozambique has supported the objectives of the PQG and focuses on developing the implementation of a comprehensive jobs strategy that centers on the bottom 40 percent of the population.

Recent Mozambique Reports
- More and Better Jobs from Crops and Trees in Mozambique
- Study of the Biscate Jobs Platform in Mozambique
- Mozambique Job Diagnostic Vol 1: Analytics
- Mozambique Job Diagnostic Vol 2: Jobs Strategy Policy Note
- Deepening value chain and linkages: Summary of consultation workshops
- Background Report: Review of Current Key Sectors, Government Interventions, and Donor Support
- The Cassava Value Chain in Mozambique
- The Cashew Value Chain in Mozambique
- The Plantation Forestry Sector in Mozambique : Community Involvement and Jobs
Value Chain Job Creation Study
- Product Selection and Background
- Background and Market Trends
- Mozambique Lets Work Review and Work Plan 2019
Results from the Biscate Platform Study on workers and clients using Biscate, a digital labor market matching platform for informal services workers in Mozambique.
Do aggregator schemes have the potential to leverage major changes in Mozambican farm jobs? Watch the video to know more!

Through analytical work and pilot operations the pilot supports the following three focus areas:
- Promoting the creation of private sector jobs through a value chain-based approach. This will help to understand the potential for job creation and constraints that need to be addressed.
- Increasing the productivity of existing jobs that already exist.
- Helping connect people to jobs. The program aims to work with the Government of Mozambique, the private sector and other development partners that are active in the country to further catalyze private sector investment in value chains that could help create more, better, and inclusive jobs.
- Study aggregator systems that can link smallholders to commercial businesses, can provide them with inputs and technical assistance to increase yields, and provide them with a market for their products.

Partnerships and Focus Areas
A key element of the program will be coordination and knowledge sharing among all partners on the jobs agenda. This coordination will need to be at two levels:
- With the government and its various ministries. Since an effective jobs strategy needs to be multi-sectoral, in which public and private partners come together, an effective partnership with the government is critical.
- The second level of coordination is with different partners and stakeholders in the country. There are several partners and development organizations that are active in Mozambique and Let’s Work will attempt to work with ongoing initiatives to ensure that the program builds on existing and ongoing work.
The program has selected agriculture, forestry and construction as its sectors.