- Launched Jobs Indicators Global Data Bank (JOIN), Job Diagnostic Guidelines (“guided inquiry”), and Jobs Diagnostics : A Step-by-Step Guide. Ran the related Jobs and Structural Change blog series.
- Held Jobs, Labor, and Migration Core Course and for the first time, the Jobs Diagnostic and Solutions Course with hands-on demonstrations of tools using data to identify jobs problems and develop jobs strategies and programs.
- Developed six in-depth Solutions Notes addressing key jobs challenges, synthesizing findings from Jobs Umbrella MDTF grants (research, evaluations, pilots, and operations):
- Adapting Jobs Policies and Program in the Face of Accelerated Technological Change
- Agriculture, Jobs, and Value Chains in Africa
- Adapting Skills Training to Address Constraints to Women’s Participation
- Jobs Interventions for Young Women in the Digital Economy
- Addressing Employment Obstacles for Young Syrian Refugee Women
- Supporting Jobs in Situations of Fragility, Conflict, and Violence (FCV)
- Jobs MDTF established the Supporting Effective Jobs Lending at Scale Program (SEJLS), to improve design and results metrics of jobs-relevant World Bank Group lending operations. Fifteen operations covered so far.
- Developed the Jobs and COVID-19 blog series based on the policy note Managing the Employment Impacts of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Crisis, Policy Options for the Short Term
- KNOMAD team prepared Board Update on Leveraging Economic Migration for Development and produced Migration and Development Brief: COVID-19 Crisis Through a Migration Lens
- Platform for Economic Inclusion (PEI) team produced PEI Policy note exploring the role of economic inclusion in the recovery from COVID-19.
- Solutions for Youth Employment (S4YE) team held Regional Youth Employment Forum in Ethiopia, scaled up the Impact Portfolio from 19 to 44 innovative youth employment projects, and launched Private Sector Advisory Council, which has over 35 companies.