Where Do We Work?
March 2023
Operationalizing support for jobs transformations
The World Bank Group finances investment operations which are relevant to improving jobs outcomes. We do this through IDA and IBRD policy lending, lending for results and investment lending, and IFC investment operations. In 2019, our jobs-related projects reached almost 10 million beneficiaries, including 6.5 million in IDA countries and 3 million female beneficiaries.
Key points of entry include: macroeconomic and regulatory reform; finance sector development and infrastructure programs which enable better opportunities for private investment; support to agricultural value chains that link farmers to markets on more favorable terms; targeted programs to support private sector development (e.g. Special Economic Zones and SME development programs); spatial development programs that create spaces for better jobs and help workers access them (e.g. secondary city development); environment programs (e.g. the promotion of “green jobs” ); and human capital programs (education, training, active labor market policies, and social protection).
Mobilizing Development Lending to Create More and Better Jobs Blog Series
To support the integration of jobs into development lending, the Jobs Umbrella Multi-Donor Trust Fund (Jobs MDTF) launched in 2019 the Supporting Effective Jobs Lending at Scale (SEJLS) program. SEJLS builds on large scale WBG lending operations improving the consistency of jobs-relevant components and estimation of jobs outcomes.
This blog series shares insights from activities across Jobs MDTF in support of maximizing the jobs impacts of development interventions.
Knowledge and Research for Solutions
As well as supporting the implementation of established good practices, we also mobilize global knowledge and support cutting-edge research on jobs challenges such as:
- How to promote private investment and firms’ growth (especially in labor-intensive sectors);
- How to link independent producers to product and financial markets so they can raise their productivity and earnings;
- How to reform social protection systems to cover informal workers and reduce barriers to the growth of formal jobs;
- How to support well-managed domestic and international labor mobility toward places with higher jobs potential; and,
- How to help disadvantaged groups to get the skills and jobs they need, through improved training systems and active labor market policies.

Jobs Umbrella MDTF
Financial instrument that supports the World Bank Group’s jobs strategy to contribute to poverty reduction and inclusive growth.

Solutions for Youth Employment
A coalition focused on improving job outcomes for young people.